Librarians and News Radio Shows

The following are answers to the question: do you listen to news shows on the radio? Reference librarians at North American public and academic libraries were asked to answer this question as part of a study of librarian reading habits.

I occasionally listen to NPR, but not on a regular basis.

I listen to NPR every morning on the way to work.

I listen to NPR occasionally. I listened to CBC when I was in southeastern Michigan. I don't think it can be received here.

WBBM all news station every day, sometimes all day long.

Yes, I listen several hours a day to NPR. I listen to Morning Edition and All Things Considered every day. I probably listen to those two shows a total of three hours a day. I listen to other shows, such as Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me on Saturdays on NPR and I listen to the midday international relations show. I also listen to Fresh Air, which is a current awareness show, although not strictly news.

I listen to audio books during my commute to keep up with reader's advisory. All of my information about the news comes from staff members and they don't bring up much so I don't think they are any better off than I am.

I listen to Catholic Family Radio in my car while driving.

NPR's Morning Edition.

NPR daily on the trip to and from work. Get news and sometimes market information indepthly rather than just the headlines.

I listen every morning to NPR Morning Edition. This is my most regular source of news.

CBC Radio One: the hourly news, including The World at Six and Weekend Report. I also listen to As it Happens, Definitely Not the Opera, and The House.

Yes, usually CBC in the mornings from 7am to 9 am and very often in the evenings and on Sundays.

CBC North, one hour a week.

CBC radio.

CBC almost every waking hour, before and after work.

Yes, CBC news and other CBC shows, such as Cross Country Checkup, Ideas, etc. I listen daily.

CBC FM is on in the house most of the time. Local and national news first thing in the morning as well as throughout the day. Classical music is our prime listening as far as radio features are concerned. News and current affairs programs are only listened to on the weekends and then not on a regular basis.

Yes, NPR and CBC are the staple of my news diet. I care for NPR for their indepth coverage, especially and for CBC, for Canadian events.

I usually listen to WWJ News radio when there is something really big going on or for traffic reports. In the mornings I listen to Dick Purtan's program to laugh and WJR - Mitch Albom for entertainment and information.

I listens regularly to All Things Considered each evening, and occasionally listens to others.

I listen to NPR a few times a week and listen to the news on WXPN.

NPR's Morning Edition and All Things Considered, daily.

I listen to NPR's Morning Edition every day.

I don't really listen to news on the radio except when I have it on in the car.

I am not a regular radio listener.

I regret that I do not listen to any radio broadcasts.

Sometimes I listen to CNN online radio.

NPR's All Things Considered.

I listen to NPR on an irregular basis.

Occasionally I catch part of All Things Considered on NPR, but not on a regular basis.

NPR's morning show and its evening program.

I will sometimes catch NPR and WBAI, a public radio station out of New York City on the weekends in the morning.

I listen to NPR every morning on the way to work and sometimes on the way home. All Things Considered, the news update, the music program, and Jack Spear's economic update. I like All Things Considered the best.

NPR's All Things Considered, CBC's As It Happens, Sunday Morning and the morning news every day.

I listen to NPR when I am in my car, but it is sporadic.

NPR daily.

Most of the shows on NPR are on during working hours and the rest of the time, the local station plays odd/weird/unusual/not-to-my-taste music, so I don't listen to that station.

Yes, I listen to NPR morning news in the car daily on the way to work. I prefer it to any other news program, including those on television, online, or in print. I would love to meet the person who selects the musical introductions to the news items.

I listen to NPR's Morning Edition every weekday morning before work. I also listen to All Things Considered and Talk of the Nation.

NPR Morning Edition, Weekend Edition, All Things Considered and hourly news updates.

NPR every day.

NPR while driving every day.

I listen to NPR Morning Edition, 848 (a Chicago and national issues program), Fresh Air, All Things Considered, and Weekend Edition.

I listen to NPR in the car.

Yes, NPR daily. Also local news and programming on my local NPR affiliate, WAMC, which produces a very large variety of news and current affairs weekly programming that it distributes to the entire NPR system. For example: The Law Show, The Health Show, and The Environment Show.

On NPR, I listen to Morning Edition, All Things Considered, Fresh Air, Science Friday, Weekend Edition, Whaddya Know, Rewind, Soundprint, and a weekly quiz show whose titles I forget. On WGN, I listen to Extension 720, a daily talk/interview show hosted by Milt Rosenberg that usually deals with news, books, history or cultural events.

I listen to Rush Limbaugh when time permits. However, I only get to listen to him occasionally.

CBC daily, especially As It Happens, Ontario Morning, The 4-6 Show, Quirks and Quarks, Ideas, and The House.

CBC daily.

I listen to CBC at home, at work, and in the car. It is the only radio station I listen to and it's on all the time. Usually 7 or 8 hours a day.

I listen to CBC radio always, even when I am working on my home PC or reading. I get a lot of current events from CBC radio. I listen to it every morning before I go to work and in the evenings.

NPR every morning and every night.

I listen to the national and international news every morning while I get ready for work. It is ABC that is broadcast in my area.

Not regularly.

I listen to the news segments on the local music radio shows daily. Once in a while, I will listen to NPR.

I do listen to NPR radio every day, especially The World and All Things Considered. I even take my lunch break late in the afternoon so that I can catch as much of a radio show as I can.

I listen to NPR daily, especially in the morning and evening, including shows such as Morning Edition and All Things Considered.

I don't listen to radio news on a regular basis, just occasionally in the car.

NPR morning shows before work and in the car, and shows on the weekend.

Yes, I do listen to radio news shows on NPR or Family Radio on a daily basis.

I am basically dependent on NPR. I catch their morning news on the way in and can usually get All Things Considered on the way home.

I occasionally listen to NPR in the morning on my way to work.

I listen to a talk radio station located in Jackson, TN on my commute back and forth to work. Also occasionally the PBS station.

I listen to NPR's Morning Edition, All Things Considered, Fresh Air, Science Fridays, and other NPR offerings. I also listen to conservative talk radio, such as Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, and Michael Savage, for the other side of things.

I love NPR, but find I listen to it not that often. All the great shows, the book talks, etc., even the news programs are usually on when I am at work. I will turn it on sometimes when I am driving in the car. And I listen, when I set aside the time, to shows such as Garrison Keillor or Car Talk, but you are not asking about that. I should also say that being a writer I like a lot of silence so I am not the kind of person who likes a radio on in the background. I do a lot of reading besides newspaper reading, and I like it quiet when I am reading.

I listen to NPR every day. I especially like All Things Considered, A Prairie Home Companion, Car Talk, Fresh Air, and the Saturday morning show with Scott Simon.

I wake up to NPR; I listen only to NPR when I have the radio on. I listen to all shows and consider NPR to be my primary source of information about current events.

I listen to NPR in the morning and a local public radio talk show for issues of the day.

I regularly listen to the NPR morning news during the week.

No, I don't listen to any news shows on the radio.

I generally listen to Morning Edition on NPR.

NPR on the way to work.

Yes, NPR. Daily I listen to Morning Edition and All Things Considered. I also listen to Talk of the Nation and Weekly Edition. I also listen to Diane Rehm, if I am home.

I listen to the first hour of NPR's Morning Edition every day and All Things Considered on the weekend.

NPR daily in the morning.

I listen to the local public broadcasting service radio station (PBS) for news and such. That's where I heard the presidential debates when they were on.

NPR every day. Marketplace, All Things Considered and Wait Wait.

Sometimes, in my car, but not frequently.

No, but other librarians do.

I listen to NPR about six mornings a week for about two hours a day.

I used to listen to various programs on NPR on the way home from work, when I used to have an hour and a half commute. Now that I live much closer to work, I rarely find myself listening to the radio.

I listen to the Morning Edition every day on NPR. Perhaps a total of 12 hours total of NPR shows plus some BBC as broadcast by our local public radio station. It's the best.

I listen to Fresh Air in the evening, and Warm 98 in the morning.

I listen to NPR in the morning until I leave for work, every morning of the week.

I listen to NPR radio programming on my way to and from work; about twenty minutes each way.

I listen to the Lou Epton Show several times a week

I sometimes listen to the local radio broadcast.

Yes. NPR. Morning and Evening, about 2 hours total.

No, only if it comes on when I happen to be in the car.

Yes, I listen to NPR in the car. It varies from 10 to 20 minutes a day.

I listen to NPR radio an average of 1-2 times a week for 20 minutes on the way home from work.

Yes. CBC news at 7 and 8 a.m. every morning, and usually in the evenings on weekends. As it Happens (CBC) if I am home in the evening. Quirks and Quarks (CBC current science magazine show) every Saturday at 12 noon.

I listen to CBC radio, both news and various talk shows (depending when I'm in the car.) In Toronto, I listen to 680 Newsradio and The FAN for sports.

No I don't. I may catch Rex Murphy on Sunday afternoon on the CBC.

I almost always have my radio tuned to CBC at home and in the car. I make a point of listening to the Saturday morning Report from Parliament Hill, and sometimes Crosscountry Checkup on Sunday afternoon.

Yes, daily early news.

I listen to radio news about three times a week in the mornings.

I listen to the radio in the morning while doing the dishes, and while doing the dinner dishes. I do not listen to the radio in the car, as I enjoy thinking and planning.

I listen to NPR on my way to work and back. Usually 45 minutes each way. I often hear the news with Alex Brodie, Fresh Air with Terry Gross, sometimes the Todd Mundt Show, and the weekend All Things Considered.

I sometimes listen to NPR, however, the last couple of years their bias on particular issues has cost them my reliability on their programs for informative data.

NPR. I listen in the morning to the national news and to Michigan news. Also, in the afternoon on my drive home. I believe it is All Things Considered. When I am at home during the day, I listen to whichever show is on NPR at the time.

No. I occasionally listen to nationally syndicated talk shows when I am travelling to meetings, e.g. Rush Limbaugh, Dr, Laura, Bob Brinker's Money Talk but do not listen for news or on a regular basis.

I listen to a number of talk show when I can. Everything from local sports shows to Dr. Edell to Limbaugh and Paul Harvey, and even crazy Art Bell when he was on because I have found that knowing what is on these shows helps answer questions. I have had to find poems and quotes and information on subject matter that first appeared on these shows. I usually do this in the car or when I am working on a project at home and just half listen but it has paid off too many times to stop.

I frequently catch part of Morning Edition on NPR on my way to work. I usually listen to a local radio station for local news and when it's done I switch over to NPR. I catch the 8:30 AM local news and then switch.

I usually listen to NPR in the morning and sometimes All Things Considered, also on public radio, in the evening.

I listen to Chicago radio stations, mainly WGN Radio, every morning and after work.

Not regularly, although sometimes I do listen to All Things Considered on NPR.

Never, I only listen to the radio in the car and then I channel hop for good songs.

Rarely now. I do like NPR, but am listening to books on tape mostly.

I listen to NPR every day as I am driving. I usually catch parts of the morning and evening program and Terry Gross.

NPR. I indicated this previously. I listen to the news for up to two hours in the morning while getting ready for work and on the way home in the evening.

NPR but not on regular basis.

Yes, National Public Radio: Morning Edition and All Things Considered.

NPR, but not on a regular basis.

No, I do not listen to news on the radio unless I am in the kitchen baking on my days off. I listen to CFMO 103.1 FM, which has Canadian and world news.

Yes. NPR while driving and often when preparing a meal in the evenings. I especially enjoy interviews with authors and reviews of books.

I listen to most of Morning Edition on NPR Monday through Friday and on Sunday. And I try to catch the NPR news quiz when it airs weekly.

NPR every morning and on the way home from work.

I listen to NPR most mornings and evenings on my 30-minute drive to and from work. I also listen to local news radio stations and even talk radio (which is biased so far to the conservative right that I find myself yelling at the radio too often).

I listen to Rush Limbaugh and Michael Reagan, although both very conservative and biased, they still provide an interesting forum for political ideas. I so listen to NPR less frequently, but do enjoy the comment when I get it.

I listen in the car when I can to Morning Edition and All Things Considered. My listening is irregular because my work hours do not have me in the car when these programs are broadcast. I only listen to the radio when in the car. I do feel you get an awful lot of information from these programs in a short period of time.

I have NPR on at the library all day and on in the car almost all the time. It is probably one of my main sources of news, particularly All Things Considered.

I keep NPR on at the library all day, listen when I can. This helps me keep up on current events also.

I listen to Morning Edition daily and Weekend Edition. When possible listen to All Things Considered or at least part of it. I try to listen to the CBC at night but I can't remember the name. It has Barbara someone on it. I really enjoy it. The interviews are very good and it often, has humorous stories. I listen to the BBC in the early morning. I love NPR and if I am at home during the day I will listen to the Connection from WBUR and Terry Gross' Fresh Air. Sometimes I listen to Talk of the Nation.

Sometimes listen to All Things Considered on WGBH (NPR). I've learned some interesting tidbits of information from it.

OK, I listen to NPR and its fellows whenever I can get away with it. I admit it: I'm an NPR Junkie. I can even do it on-line or by radio at my desk if I need to track a hot topic (like the USS Cole attack) for patrons, staff, and /or self. I particularly listen to Morning Edition, All Things Considered, The World (co-sponsored program of NPR and BBC), and the BBC Evening News Hour. I find these programs give regional, national, and especially international news greater depth than I ever got on TV (including CNN). Pictures on a story/reference question I can get from the daily newspapers, weekly news magazines, and the online news wires including streaming video. For personal fun, I listen to Wait Wait Don't Tell Me which reviews the weekly news (both serious and the less so), Ira Flado's Science Friday, the word-game shows on weekends, and whatever else I can get that would be content-intensive. I hate talk shows, chat rooms, and gripe-sessions without constructive results.

I listen to the local news radio station each morning as I'm getting ready to come to work. I find this is one of the best ways to learn about organizations and services in the area.

No, I rarely have time to listen any type of radio programs.

NPR evening news while commuting home in the evenings.

NPR when I'm near a radio, if not, I catch it on their web page.

Not often. About five hours a month. I listen to a local program.

I never listen to the radio or other audio forms of news or information. Only what can be gleaned or learned from reading is what I obtain information wise.

Sometimes I listen to the 10 minute NPR broadcast over our local radio station. I probably listen five times per week (i.e. 10 minutes Monday - Friday. All-in-all 50 minutes per week).

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