Do You Read Print Newspapers and Magazines on Your Own Time?

The following are answers to the question: do you read print newspapers and magazines on your own time? Reference librarians at North American public and academic libraries were asked to answer this question as part of a study of librarian reading habits.

I read a lot of newspapers. I have always done this for myself. This also helps my job. I usually read the Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the State Journal-Register from Springfield, and sometimes the local Jacksonville Journal-Courier.

I read the following magazines on a regular basis. Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, Premier, Rolling Stone, and The Advocate. I spend my own lunch break each day reading one or more of these titles, totaling five hours per week.

Yes, I do insofar as I can endure the low news content of the American media. I read the NY Times, the Chicago Tribune, some of the local papers, and a few magazines such as The Economist, the New Scientist, Scientific American, and The Progressive. You may note that the first two magazines are not from the United States. I am not aware of any serious newsmagazines for the United States.

Daily newspapers, and Time, US News and People magazines.

Yes, I read the Chicago Tribune front section (at the minimum) every day, and usually other sections. I also read Time magazine regularly. I probably read these on an average of 45 minutes a day. I read other magazines occasionally.

Yes, I do read the daily newspaper daily. I also read periodicals such as Newsweek, Time, People, US News and World Report. I scan and review all the journals that the library subscribes to which are relevant to my area of responsibility and /or interest me personally. I have not timed myself because this is ongoing and dependent upon various activity levels. I also watch TV News and documentary shows such as 60 Minutes, etc.

Time, Newsweek, and newspaper.

Yes. I read print newspapers and magazines on my own time. I read the local newspaper on a daily basis. I tend to read a couple of print magazines on a weekly basis. I get quite a bit of current news both locally and nationally from the local radio stations as well as from the national and local television news.

I read library sources like American Libraries, Library Journal and Illinois Libraries. I try to read computer magazines in order to keep up with emerging technologies. On rare occasions, I find time to read the Chicago Tribune and the Daily Herald, a local paper.

I read two daily newspapers every day.

Yes, local papers, weekend Denver papers, and Newsweek every week.

I read three newspapers. Two are daily and one weekly local newspaper.

I read the local paper every day and trade journals.

I usually read one or two papers on Sunday to see what's new in the book review section. I read Entertainment Weekly every week and usually scan Time and National Review about twice a month.

I try to at least glance at the main articles in the newsmagazines and occasionally read parts of a couple of newspapers.

I read everything on a regular basis both at work and at home. I read the local, regional, and state newspaper daily. Weekly magazines and several newspapers and columnists from other parts of the country.

Yes, but only to a limited extent. I read the local area newspaper daily. Sometimes my reading is limited to headlines. I spend only about 15 minutes a day on this. I read Time magazine to some extent, maybe so many minutes per week.

Three local newspapers and two national ones. I also read Maclean's.

I always read the local daily paper and often take the time to read the Winnipeg Daily and Maclean's. Not much time is taken because I watch TV and listen to the radio a great deal.

Yes, local newspaper and Maclean's.

If I don't skim the local newspaper here, I have a subscription at home for the Globe and I try to skim at the library. And occasionally, I'll skim a news alert service like the Globe online at home. Print magazines I read on my own time include Maclean's, Newsweek, Economist, and People.

Yes, I read one paper minimum per week and numerous newsmagazines.

I read the local paper on a daily basis. We receive several periodicals such as Fifty Plus, Maclean's and Time at home as well as several Catholic periodicals. I often read articles my brother (ex-priest) recommends to me, as we are then able to have a dialogue on certain issues affecting the Catholic view, particularly on social justice.

Yes I read for my work, I read the local paper, the Vancouver paper, the UK Manchester Guardian, and the Christian Science Monitor, along with weeklies such as Maclean's, The Economist and Time.

I read the local paper and scan Time or Newsweek magazine.

I try to read the news and entertainment weeklies on my break and lunch periods. No time is given to do that when I'm on the desk.

Yes, I do. I read all of the local newspapers we get, including the Sisseton Courier, Northern Star, Ortonville Independent, Rosholt Review, Wheaton Gazette, Valley News, Watertown Public Opinion, and the Minneapolis Star and Tribune. I also take home copies of Time and Newsweek as well as some of the women's magazines like Taste of Home, Quick Cooking, etc. I enjoy reading so any chance I get I read.

All local papers, newsmagazines, consumer reports, health issues, handyman and a variety of special periodicals. I do this daily.

Yes, a daily paper and Time or Newsweek.

I read as much of the NY Times as I can during my lunch hour. I read Time and other newsmagazines while I am on the bike at the gym.

I read papers/magazines about an hour per day to keep up but I do this for my own enrichment, not necessarily to be a better librarian, although I'm sure it helps.

Yes, I read the Daily News, New York Times, and Star Ledger but not on a daily basis.

Yes, I read the daily local paper and the Sunday edition. I also skim through women's interest magazines, and popular culture, etc. Also, Redbook, LHJ, Good Housekeeping, Weight Watchers, People, Parents, and Family Fun. About eight hours a week.

Yes, local and statewide paper occasionally. Also UTNE Reader, Harper's, and other assorted magazines on occasion.

Mainly local papers; about an hour for each a day.

Yes, local paper and Time, etc.

NY Times, local papers, Nation, Rolling Stone, Prevention, Atlantic, Harper's, DownBeat, and the Economist.

Yes, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the Tampa Tribune.

I rarely read newspapers or magazines in paper format anymore, but I do spend about 10-15 hours per week reading non-fiction monographs.

I read the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the local paper, the Northeast Georgian on a regular basis. I also subscribe to Time magazine.

Generally, I will read one to two daily statewide newspapers when time permits.

Yes, I regularly read the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Newsweek, Time, and US News and World Report.

I mainly rely on the TV both regular newscast and the overnight ones such as CBS' Up to the Minute or ABC's World News Now.

I read two newspapers at home and regularly take home magazines from the library to read. I scan the newspapers at work and especially newsmagazines at the library.

Some. I read the local newspaper, Reader's Digest, Yankee Magazine, Taste of Home, and Birds and Blooms, at home.

Yes, the NY Times, Onion, and the local paper four times a week.

Yes, the NY Times, Newsweek, and local newspapers.

Yes, Schenectady Gazette for an hour a day.

I do read magazines but mostly for recreational reading perhaps a few hours a day. My colleagues are more diligent about keeping up with current events than I am.

We receive the USA Today paper so I spend a short time browsing through it almost every day. I try to take current newsmagazines home with me, but I probably only spend a half hour a week at home reading them.

Three local newspapers daily.

Yes. I read the Norwalk Hour from cover to cover. I spend about half an hour per day on the newspapers at work and skim magazines and newsletters at home. Among the magazines I read are Americas. I skim Time, Newsweek, etc. occasionally.

Yes, I read The Economist, and New Perspectives Quarterly on a regular basis. Additionally, I may occasionally read National Geographic, Business Week, Civilization and Smithsonian on my own time or on library time.

No, I do not like newspapers and spend more time reading magazines. However, when I am not busy, I choose books over magazines. I have been reading magazines lately, but not so much for keeping up on current events, more for personal issues. If I work on the day that our small local paper comes out, I will try to read it.

I read the NY Times, the local paper and other online news resources to keep me informed of current events.

I usually read Newsweek. Occasionally, if the cover of Time looks interesting I'll pick that up. I read People on Mondays, a couple of women's magazines, Money, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, and Individual Investor. I read the headlines of most of the papers. There is one patron who lives for the news and the reference staff is collared by him every day to talk about the news. So we manage to keep up that way if by no other. But I read on my own for my own fulfillment. I have always been a huge reader, like most librarians, I guess. I tend to know a little something about everything that comes across the reference desk.

Yes, everything local, current, national, and the Sunday NY Times for decent world news.

Yes, local papers, Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, and National Geographic.

Yes, NY Times, Newsweek, US News and World Report - about ten hours per week and sometimes less when I do not have the time to do it.

Yes, local newspapers, USA Today, sometimes the NY Times 20 minutes a day, and Newsweek for 20 minutes a day.

Yes, I read constantly. I read People, Utne, the Sunday newspapers, and Newsweek.

You bet. I subscribe and read the Danville Commercial News, the News-Gazette, and some weekend papers. Also subscribe and read Newsweek. I can usually keep up with the newspapers, but it is a little harder to keep up with Newsweek. Ten hours a week.

Yes, I read a wide selection of professional, general interest and current event magazines. A habit I developed thirty years ago is to shelf read every single magazine cover and to read stories in those magazines that strike a responsive chord or pique my curiosity. This library has 350 magazine titles and this takes only about thirty minutes a day to keep up with. As far as I am concerned this is one of the single most effective ways to stay current with events, whether they are government, science, current events, and so forth. Almost painless way to stay current or amplify existing knowledge. I know of very few librarians who do this. When I was head of reference I demanded this of every staff member.

I read the local newspaper every day and as many magazines as possible.

Yes, I read the Omaha World Herald every day and our local daily the Fremont Tribune. I regularly read The New Yorker magazine, Time, Health, British Heritage, American Heritage, Individual Investor, the Rotarian, American Libraries, W, Opera News, Better Investing, and always read current magazines on airplanes and vacations and often buy current copies of women's and specialty magazines, such as Vogue or Utley Reader. I read 10-12 hours per week.

I read the local newspaper, scan a couple of the area papers, scan parts of the Wall Street Journal and NY Times as time allows. I read Time, Newsweek, US News, Business Week, Facts on File, Smithsonian, Natural History, Sky & Telescope, Architectural Record, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, People, and other magazines as they come across my desk.

I read our local paper daily, plus some regional papers. Also several magazines: Atlantic, Audubon, Economist, Islands, National Geographic, and the Smithsonian.

I read the local papers and the NY Times, Atlantic Monthly, The Nation, and Premiere/p>

I mostly read Time and Newsweek as far as magazines go, but I read the New York Times on a daily basis.

Yes, Del Rio News Herald, San Antonio Express News, Newsweek, Texas Monthly, Texas Highways, Texas Parks and Wildlife, and Readers' Digest.

I only take one local newspaper and the Sunday paper from the nearest large town. Then I bring the paper in to have the local news clipped and put in our historical file.

I tend to read my local paper, The Albany Times Union, and the news magazine, US News and World Report, as well as the New York Times Book Review, and various other magazines related to specific causes.

I read Time, Newsweek, The Buffalo News, Business First, Publisher's Weekly, School Library Journal, Teacher, Educator, and the New York Times online on a regular basis.

Yes, I read the Chicago Tribune on a daily basis and the NY Times on Sunday. I estimate that I spend about 8 hours per week reading newspapers.

Three newspapers, up to fifteen magazines of general interest (Time, Newsweek, Redbook, YM, Teen People, Ladies Home Journal, Parenting, Parents, and others) that I pick up at reception room visits up to three hours per day.

I read several print newspapers and magazines on my own time. I do this to satisfy myself, but my reading does rebound to the benefit of my patrons. Specifically, I regularly read the NY Times, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Magazine, the NY Times Book Review, and the NY TimesReview of Books . I do pick up other titles as time and interest warrants.

I usually read the local daily paper front page regularly. I am not a magazine reader on any regular basis.

I read the local papers, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and the Wall Street Journal. I also read several regional magazines, such as Illinois Issues. There are only 2-3 of us here on a regular basis, so all of us are pretty much jack-of-all-trades.

Yes, I do read print newspapers and magazines. Examples of what I read regularly: my local newspapers, London Free Press, Globe and Mail, National Post, Maclean's, National Geographic, Discover, Archeology Today, Time, and People.

Yes, Globe and Mail, London Free Press, Woodstock Sentinel Review, NYTBR, Maclean's, Atlantic Monthly and Utne Reader.

I don't feel I need to check certain sources regularly. Our present culture offers so many ways to hear news that I usually need to actively find ways of turning it off. Our library participates in a local trivia column in a daily news publication. I prepare these. The time spent doing this during work time is the only time that I actively go through newspapers, magazines, Internet, and other sources for interesting facts on timely topics or themes. I pick up information along the way.

Yes, local newspapers, National papers, and magazines such as Time, Maclean's, and some other popular culture magazines.

Yes, I read local newspaper, the Saskatoon paper, Maclean's, Newsweek, Time, and professional journals, such as Feliciter.

Yes, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, London Free Press, Maclean's, and Library Journal.

Yes, I subscribe to the Globe and Mail, and the Sunday New York Times. I read the daily local carefully and purchase one Sunday British newspaper. I subscribe to Elm Street, Canadian Living, People, and the New York Review of Books. I also read Vanity Fair to keep up on popular culture, and read Municipal World and The Beaver to keep up on Canadian information. I personally subscribe to a number of different genealogical magazines and occasionally read British History.

Yes, two local papers, ten magazines, six hours.

No, I could do much better about keeping up with current events. The only print magazine I have time to read is Marie Claire. Other than that, I just watch the news on TV.

At home, I subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, local newspaper, Business Week, Texas Monthly, Health, Smart Money and Kiplinger's Personal Finance.

Don't have time.

I find enough time at the desk to keep up with what I need to know. I try to visit local libraries on my own time to find what they have available that my patrons might need as well as for my own interests.

I browse headlines of the Seattle Times newspaper most days and read a few articles in the Sunday edition for a total of about 20 minutes weekdays and an hour on Sundays.

I read the local newspaper and a major urban daily every morning before work. I read The Nation at home. At work and home, I read American Libraries, Library Journal, Booklist, Publisher's Weekly, and other library publications. I also look arts and craft magazines (my collection responsibilities are in these areas) at home and at work.

Yes, I read a number of periodicals on popular culture on a regular basis because it is an area that is not well read among my fellow librarians. I also read the local business paper and area newspapers on a regular basis.

I often read the Tacoma News Tribune at home more for my own information, but what I read often helps answer questions at work.

I read the Corriere Della Sera (from Milan) every day in order to keep up with current events in Italy. I also read the NY Times on weekends and I read the magazine Opera News. I read scholarly journals, such as Journal of American Musicological Society, as well.

Yes, I read the local newspaper and current events/news magazines.

I read the local newspaper every morning before coming to work. I do not regularly read magazines, other than professional journals, unless I happen to be sitting in a doctor's office.

All staff members read news reports on their own time, but I read Time, Newsweek, People, USA Today, Commercial Appeal, Jackson Sun, State Gazette, and Dyer County Tennessean.

Yes, six local and state newspapers, as well as current newsmagazines when feasible. Time spent on these vary from 30 minutes to 3 hours a day.

Yes, to a certain degree. I read one of the larger city newspapers each day, our local newspaper each week, and magazines when I get the time.

I do, to keep myself abreast of developments in current events and professional information. My interests include automobiles, religion, philosophy, literature, and e-books. The amount of time spent varies from week to week. I regularly read the local Desert Sun and the Riverside Press-Enterprise and frequently browse the LA Times and the NY Times for interesting stories.

I read the San Francisco Chronicle and the Palo Alto Daily News every day. I often scan the NY Times and Wall Street Journal as they come in each day for the patrons. In addition, as the periodical person at the facility I handle and scan many of the general interest and news periodicals as they arrive and as I prepare them for the stacks. I subscribe to Harpers, Sports Illustrated and Yankee magazines.

Each day, I read the San Jose Mercury newspaper. I subscribe to Newsweek magazine, Money magazine, People, and Biography. I spend about one hour a day reading newspapers and magazines.

Yes, I do and I think this is important for my work. I have subscribed to the San Francisco Chronicle for a long time and prefer it to the San Jose Mercury. I also read the local daily newspaper mentioned above and the other local paper, the Palo Alto Weekly, which is actually published twice a week and delivered to all residents by mail. I do not subscribe to mainstream magazines, have felt for a long time that those kinds of magazines do not satisfy my need for information, however I do subscribe at home to the NY Times Book Review. I read or scan every review, so that I learn a little about science and social science books that are coming out, which I would miss because I am a humanities book selector. I want to be a generalist in my role as a public reference librarian, not a specialist. I am also a writer and I subscribe to several poetry reviews and newsletters, including Poetry Flash.

I read the Sunday paper pretty thoroughly, and I subscribe to several magazines but the only one that is really about current events is Science News Weekly. Also Atlantic Monthly and Wired have some articles on current topics.

I read a paper every day, but not always the same one. Actually, I rotate the local papers, and I occasionally buy the NY Times on Wednesdays because I have time to read parts of it before arriving at work.

I read the local daily paper, weekly paper, and many national magazines on issues such as politics, business, health, and the environment.

I read the local paper, a regional paper, Time, Newsweek, Business Week, National Geographic, and Sunset.

I should, but rarely find the time. I skim Newsweek every week and check the headlines on Yahoo daily.

Yes, I read local daily and weekly papers and the NY Times regularly, although I don't read everything in them. I skim for what I find interesting and useful. I don't read newsmagazines.

I read my own local newspaper on my own time about five times a week for my own knowledge and edification, not for job-related purposes. I probably spend no more that 15-20 minutes per day on it, and feel that the reading of novels and non-fiction that I commit much more time to stands me in better stead at the reference desk than newspapers.

Yes, I read the local newspaper. I got into the habit when I was an undergraduate, and continue to read it on a daily basis. I usually skim most of it, but at least I'm aware of local happenings.

Daily read Chicago Sun Times, Tribune, and Hammond/Lansing Times.

I read the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, and St. Petersburg Times daily. I scan our magazine shelf habitually for major articles of reference importance. Newspaper reading amounts to about 15 hours of my own personal time per week.

I read the local paper every day.

A good librarian is a well-read librarian. Absolutely! I read a lot on my own time. Because I have to? No, because I want to. Examples: Time, GQ, Sporting News, National Geographic, fiction and non-fiction.

Absolutely. I have subscriptions to several magazines and local papers. Newsmagazines I look at while I'm at work include Newsweek, Book Magazine, Oxford-American, and Biography. The time I spend on it varies. I'd say at least four hours a week. I also read professional journals like Booklist, Library Journal, and Publisher's Weekly since I get a lot of readers' advisory questions and I am in charge of collection development.

I don't read print newspapers. I might check the paper's website. I listen to NPR. I read Entertainment Weekly which helps me keep up with the youth culture questions. I watch news on television.

Yes, the local paper daily.

My most important method of current awareness is reading the local daily newspaper thoroughly at home. Probably an hour a day.

Yes, I read the local paper for local, national and international news as well as watching the nightly news on television. These activities are done on a daily basis and take approximately one hour per day.

I am not able to read them on a regular basis but will read the local paper when I have time.

At times, I do take it upon myself to read print newspapers and magazines to keep up to date with current events.

I generally read local and national newspapers on my own time. Occasionally I will read periodicals on my own time.

I read the local papers and the state paper once a week. I don't read any magazine on a regular basis.

I read local and national newspapers daily. Magazines would include Maclean's, Time, and occasionally Alberta Report.

I love newspapers! I read the Edmonton Journal and the National Post on a daily basis. For a treat, I like to buy newspapers from other cities.

I always have and I always will. I read local newspapers, have subscriptions to news and other magazines, and use the Internet. Usually one hour per day at least reading papers.

Yes, the Japan Echo, Gaiko Forum, Globe and Mail, Burnaby Now, Burnaby News Leader, Far Eastern Economic Review, Chinese Literature, Vancouver Sun, South China Morning Post, LJ, Feliciter, Q&QW, BCLA Reporter, Computers in Libraries, Booklist and two other specialized Asian periodicals. Maybe 10 to 12 hours a week.

I read our own small town newspaper as well as the occasional issue of the Calgary Herald. I also subscribe to Pets Part of the Family, Focus on the Family, the Anglican Journal and two dog magazines that I read at home.

Yes, I read the Cleveland Plain Dealer every day and the New York Times on Sunday. I receive many magazines at home and spend time during my week reading other periodicals as The Sun Press, Time, Newsweek, USA Today, US News & World Report, as well as special interest magazines, such as Vanity Fair, Vogue, Health, and Locus.

I regularly read three local newspapers. I also regularly read People, Martha Stewart Living, Cleveland Magazine, Vogue and In Style.

I like to read the local newspapers as well as USA Today. I often read National Geographic, Smithsonian, Reader's Digest, People magazine, and Martha Stewart Living. The newspapers take about thirty minutes a day.

I read Newsweek every week, People, and local newspaper (one hour).

I read the Miami Herald daily, the Sun Sentinel weekly and some magazines weekly.

I read the Daily Tampa Tribune as well as the Sunday NY Times. I normally leaf through one of the weekly newsmagazines.

The daily paper daily, the Destin Log twice a week, and the US News & World Report weekly for twenty minutes.

Yes, I read the Florida Today newspaper daily at home. It covers our entire county and keeps me current on county government issues as well.

Yes, just the local paper.

I read the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, Newsweek, and the New York Times and spend hours a day doing so.

I read our local paper, which is a weekly. I read our state paper on Saturdays and Sundays when I am home and have the time. I might spend a couple of hours total each weekend on these. I glance at the Omaha World-Herald and USA Today front pages as they come into the library.

Yes, I read one of the local papers, the weekly local alternative paper, US News & World Report, Time and I admit to sneaking peeks at People.

No, I really hate the news and the media. It is the same old crap every day and I find it very depressing. Sometimes though, I do pay attention and make time to keep informed. Like when the recent election fiasco was going on. Oh, and I always try to keep up on the science and medicine news. I find this helps me very much on my job, but I also plan to be a medical librarian.

, I spend twenty hours or more keeping up.

I read both Newsweek and Time pretty thoroughly every week. I read the local newspaper every day, watch TV news, check the CNN web site frequently, glance at People magazine and Entertainment magazine. I read several genealogy periodicals and American Heritage magazine, which are monthly publications.

Yes, sometimes I make time to read the headlines of the Mohave Daily News, the Wall Street Journal, the Arizona Republic, the Los Angeles Times, and the Las Vegas Review Journal. Sometimes I view Newsweek and Time magazines.

Local newspapers, Time magazine, The Nation magazine, and the Smithsonian magazine. Six hours per week.

Yes, Washington Post, 1/2 hour per day Loudoun Times-Mirror, Leesburg Today, Blue Ridge Leader (local papers), 1 hour per week.

Yes. I read a daily area paper and the twice-weekly local paper as well as some free weeklies with local news. It takes perhaps 30 minutes a day to do this.

Absolutely. I read the two local newspapers weekly (they're both published once a week), the newspaper from the nearby city (Burlington), the New York Times daily, and both papers each Sunday.

Yes. The local paper, 15 minutes a day.

At home, I get the local paper, the New Yorker, Vanity Fair and the Sporting News. The New Yorker seems to be the most topical, and often engenders great and lively debates at the library. I spend five hours a week reading them.

I read local newspapers, Maclean's, Time, browse national newspapers such as Globe & Mail and National Post - approximately seven hours a week.

Yes. I glance at the front pages of the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail on a daily basis for 5 minutes per day.

Yes, I read a variety of print newspapers and magazines on a regular basis. The Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal is read daily and many magazines, such as Woman's Day, Canadian Living, Reader's Digest, McLean's and Consumer Reports are read as I have the time. I spend several hours a week reading these different magazines.

Yes. Maclean's regularly, occasionally Time, Newsweek, Canadian Forum, Alberta (National) Report - approximately half hour daily.

Yes, I receive the Globe and Mail at home and read the paper each morning before I go to work. I don't have time to read it from cover to cover - I would say that I only spend approx. 20 - 30 minutes reading the paper. If I have a free weekend I like to pick up either the Toronto Star or the National Post. The print magazines that I read vary from, Maclean's, Time magazine and The Economist. I usually read those on my lunch or dinner break.

Yes. I subscribe to our local daily (London Free Press) at home and my local weekly. I also get Maclean's and several farm magazines. I spend 2-3 hours per week reading them - almost subconsciously noting the items that I might be asked about at work, even when I am reading for my own interest.

Not on a regular basis, but when time allows. The local paper, Newsweek, Statesman, People, US News, etc.

I do read the two local newspapers. I do this more for my own information but sometimes it, helps me with a patron request, I don't usually read magazines with current events unless an article catches my eye.

Yes, I read the Chicago Tribune on a daily basis, as well as Newsweek, Time and People. I spend about three hours per week on this activity.

I read the local newspaper (1 hr. per week).

Yes. I read the Honolulu Advertiser or Honolulu Star Bulletin to get national news and Hawaii state news on my lunch break. I spend about half an hour each weekday reading the newspaper.

Local paper, Spokane paper, various magazines - Time, Newsweek, U.S. News, etc.

Yes, 4-6 hours /week. Newsweek, local newspapers, Kiplinger Personal Finance.

Yes. Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Time, Fortune, Business Week, People, 1 hour per day.

The highlight of my day is reading the Saginaw News. I spend two hours a night reading it.

Yes, I read Time and Newsweek, as well as local newspapers. I spend maybe three hours a week keeping up on current events.

Yes, I do read both print newspapers and magazines on a regular basis on my own time. I subscribe to the daily Lansing Journal, which I try to read every morning. My husband usually picks up the Detroit News or Detroit Free Press every day, which I usually look at most of the time. I check out about three to four magazines per week from the library. I also look at magazines and the Livingston County Press newspaper on my lunch hour. I also subscribe to two hobby-related subject magazines at homes.

Yes, I read four newsmagazines a week, plus newspapers and an assortment of popular magazines, so I keep abreast of current trends and interests. Specifically I read the NY Times, Detroit Free Press, Time, Newsweek, US News, Brills, etc.

Yes. Local newspapers. US News and World Report.

I spend a few minutes (time varies) reading the Detroit Free Press and USA Today newspapers at home.

At home I subscribe to the Birmingham daily paper and the Bessemer weekly paper. I usually will read headlines at work and read article IF it catches my interest. A lot of papers at home get discarded unread. Most of my current events information actually comes off Internet rather than newspapers or magazines.

Yes, I do. I have been giving at least 15 minutes every other day or so to the perusal of our Birmingham News to keep up with the latest data from our increasingly controversial presidential election. I also read through articles from the Smithsonian once or twice a month. I remember one of my library science professors saying that we should read Time, Smithsonian and other materials of current interest for at least an hour a week in order to keep abreast of what is going on.

I read the morning local newspaper every day, and I read current magazines as much as possible.

Yes. I read the local paper every day and The Birmingham News, the largest newspaper in the state on Sundays. I also read National Review and the American Spectator regularly and glance through Time, Newsweek, and US News.

I read what I have at home most of the time, but not specifically for the library although things I read there do sometimes prove helpful at the library. As they arrive at home, I read a local weekly newspaper, an area daily newspaper, National Geographic, and occasionally something I bring home from the library.

When time permits me to do so, however my time is very limited. I try to read the local paper to keep abreast of local happenings, and I browse the NY Times.

Yes, I like to keep up with the news.

At home, we subscribe to the Baltimore Sun and I usually spend 20-30 minutes with the newspaper every day as I eat my breakfast. I don't care for magazines and may occasionally read them at work.

Yes I do read print newspapers and magazines. I subscribe to the weekly paper and read that. I used to subscribe to Newsweek but now I just take magazines home, especially New Yorker. I probably spend an hour or two at home reading these print materials.

Yes, I read the Chicago Tribute daily, and our local papers (published twice a week). I don't read magazines on a regular basis.

I have always read print newspapers and magazines. Perhaps that is why I enjoy reference work. I read local and area newspapers and weekly magazines such as U.S. News and World Report and Time or Newsweek.

I like to read Smithsonian, Time, Newsweek, as well as the popular professional ones. I also skim through Seventeen, Teen, YM, People, and TV Guide to keep up with teen trends. I have a teen of my own, so we get those at home for her.

Yes, I read the local paper The Courier and USA Today every day. I also read at least one newsmagazine a week. I would guess I spend an hour a day reading these items.

Yes - I read the San Jose Mercury News on a daily basis for an hour or so. I also listen to the news for a total of one half-hour and often check yahoo news. I read some of the local papers on a regular basis - for Daly City (and my hometown of Half Moon Bay as well).

Yes, certainly as a local history archivist, I need to spend more time than you can imagine both reading the local newspaper cover to cover, and meeting the local people who make the news. I put in at least 15 hours per week in that pursuit, but it was a work of love. Now, I read the paper out of habit, but was told to cease shmoozing, so I probably spend about five hours a week keeping myself informed about local issues.

I spend about an hour a day on print newspapers and listen to public radio about an hour and a half or two hours a day. I spend about an hour a week trying to catch up on magazines and other print material of all kinds.

I read them daily on my own time.

Yes. Syracuse paper, Atlantic Monthly, Harper's.

I read the local paper every day; I read Newsweek every week.

Yes, about 10-15 hr/week.

Yes. I read the local papers and magazines (2-3 hours/week).

Not really, I only have about 20 minutes every few days to read the local paper.

Yes, Buffalo News and USA Today (90min/day). US News World Report.

Personally, I read newspapers daily, newsmagazines weekly, and various other publications monthly.

Yes. I subscribe to newspapers and magazines at my home. I probably spend five hours a week on these types of print.

The Clarion Ledger, a paper out of Jackson, Mississippi. Time and Newsweek, National Geographic, Southern Living, Good Housekeeping and Consumer Reports.

Yes. I try to read three different newspapers and various newsmagazines, mostly quick browsing, to keep up with latest events and topics. Maybe an hour or so a day and often at home because there's not time at work.

I read the local newspaper and the Boston Globe (a regional paper) daily and skim the New York Times. Total time 15-45 minutes. I try to be aware of the magazines that arrive each day and skim tables of contents of those whose content may help answer questions.

Yes. Time, Newsweek, US News, local newspapers. Varies. I cannot give an estimate on time.

Yes. Concord Monitor every morning. Argus Champion every week.

Irregular. Two local newspapers. Newsweek and Time.

Local newspaper daily. Look at the magazine covers. Read at home Discover.

I keep up with the news by listening to a news station, every day. I generally don't have much time to read the newspapers and magazines.

Yes, I read a number of newsmagazines such as Time, Newsweek and US News, and World Report. In addition, I skim through and occasionally stop to read entire articles in People, Science News and other print magazines.

Yes, I read the Philadelphia Inquirer at home each morning, as well as Time magazine. In addition, I subscribe to several other magazines at home: Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, National Geographic. I also try to read Harper's and Atlantic Monthly in the library when time permits, as well as the Daily Local News.

I read the Portland Oregonian newspaper, spending about an hour a day.

Yes, daily local paper, NY Times once/week, Newsweek, plus general interest reading.

I do read the Boston Globe daily and the Sunday Globe every week. I sometimes get a chance to read parts, of the New York Times on-line.

Yes, Boston Globe, Time Magazine; Newsweek, and Discovery Magazine 2-3 hours per week.

I read many news and entertainment magazines weekly as I have personal subscriptions to Time, Entertainment Weekly, McLean's (yes, the Canadian Newsweek is delivered to my home as I have an interest in Canadians.) along with many monthly regional/city type publications. I personally subscribe to 2 daily newspapers as well. Constantly reading these publications it seems almost sometimes to the exclusion of a good book.

I read the Boston Globe and the local regional paper daily. Not from cover to cover but I scan a good portion. I also read the weekly town newspaper regularly.

I bring home news and general interest magazines regularly, my family subscribes to three regional newspapers, and I leave a news site as the home page access to all other computer sites at my work station and I check the news periodically throughout the day. Also I am an avid news talk radio listener.

Yes: The Boston Globe, the New York Times and various magazines, including Time.

Yes, Boston Globe, local weekly paper, New Yorker magazine, Smithsonian, and American Libraries for 3-5 hours a week.

I read the local newspapers daily. (Worcester Telegram and Southbridge News) I also try to read Newsweek to keep up with current events. I'd say I spend at least an hour a day of my own time reading newspapers.

Yes, and they include Boston Globe, two local newspapers, New York Times Book Review, Book Page and a number of special interest magazines.

Read Cedar Rapids Gazette Daily (30-45 min), Sunday Des Moines Register and Sunday's Cedar Rapids Gazette (2-2.5 hrs). They are purchased by me and donated to the library. Read various magazines - People, Time, Newsweek, Country Living, etc.

Des Moines Register on a regular basis. No time to read magazines regularly. Read local newspaper, Pocahontas Record Democrat. Need to stay current on books so I can present programming to students and adults; this makes it difficult to find extra time to read periodicals.

Try to read the local paper and our State newspaper daily and the Sunday edition at home on weekend. The time spent doing this depends on time when the library isn't busy. We receive about 10 newspapers from the region, State and National.

Yes, I spend 4-5 hours weekly reading print newspapers and magazines. I read the local paper, the statewide daily paper, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, People, Time, and a number of monthly magazines.

I read the local papers, the Iowa City Press Citizen, the Iowa City Gazette and the Daily Iowan each morning before work. Probably spend one-hour daily reading papers. Also read Newsweek, The Economist, Harper's and Atlantic Monthly. Listen to 3-4 hours of National Public Radio News weekly. Try to read Des Moines Register on Sunday and if possible the New York Times.

I read the local newspaper (Providence Journal), Entertainment Weekly, Vanity Fair, Kiplinger's and Smart Money. I might spend an hour or so per week. Many questions from patrons have to do with things they have seen on television or concern new titles they have read about. Every Sunday several books are reviewed. I take comfort knowing I have already ordered a well reviewed item since requests will come in on Monday.

Yes. Two local/regional newspapers (Brookings Register and Sioux Falls Argus Leader).

Yes, I read the local paper. I am also a Pop Culture Junkie. I read anything dealing with pop culture. Some magazines that I read include Entertainment Weekly, People, Interview, Men's Health, Newsweek, Time, Southern Living, to name a few. I probably spend about 1-2 hours per day doing this.

As a former journalist I can't avoid a good headline but I do make it a point to read at least two things a month with whose editorial policies I totally disagree/just to keep up with what the other side is up to!

I read the local daily newspaper nearly cover to cover daily before the library opens @ 1 hr a day. Wall St. Journal is read/scanned (depending on which section) at home as well as Archaeology magazine, Civilization, Smithsonian, Scientific American, US News, Natural History, and some less helpful to reference work (Herb Comparison, the Realm, Audubon) another hour. Or so a day, 7 days a week). At work I regularly scan the tables of contents of all the newsmagazines USA Today (top priority); Sports Illustrated, PC World, Business Week, Science News, American History, Forbes, Atlantic Monthly, Biography, Life, Harper, National Geographic , New Yorker, Readers Digest , People and Saturday Evening Post (less than 1/2 hr. per week unless something grabs and I read it during lunch, which is 4 of 5 days a week.) To get that list together, I literally took notes of my habit as I cruised the new magazine section.

Yes, I read the local town newspaper and the larger Charleston, SC daily every day. Time magazine weekly. Others, including professional journals, as interest and time permits.

I read the New York Times every day in paper format or when that is not available on the Web [since it became available]. I skim local newspapers and the Web newspapers [as they became available]. Pend Oreille library district was an original Gates library and has been on the bleeding edge of Web access, which has helped broaden the access to current news, and information which helps in reference listening work. At Pend Oreille and other libraries, I deliberately skimmed the table of contents of all incoming magazines and newspapers [as well as books]. Skimming done with user questions in mind, both past and continuing. AS a result of skimming, I would often/often selectively disseminate copies or references to breaking information to known individual and corporate users with continuing interests.

I am asked each year to provide current events questions for our District High School Quiz Bowl. I actually find Facts On File to be most helpful with this because it has brief, concise, and current (it's published weekly) articles on international news. I also scan through the local papers each morning before I put them out for our patrons. I try to spot stories that may result in reference questions.

Yes, I read the local papers (there are three) and I also read the New York Times. I also look at People, U.S. News and World Report. I would say I spend about 2-3 hours a week.

Yes, I spend at least one hour per day reading a daily newspaper. I read a variety of magazines, usually women and entertainment magazines. Time for that varies from 0-3 hours per day. I rarely read newsmagazines because I can get what I need from the newspaper.

Yes, I read our local newspaper daily and subscribe to Newsweek at home.

I browse USA Today every day, the local papers of our region, browse Time, Newsweek, etc. Check out book reviews in the NY Times and People weekly. Also check alternative sources.

Yes, the Durham Herald Sun every day for thirty minutes. Various magazines that my husband and I subscribe to. I recently dropped my subscription to Newsweek. I usually read the Independent.

Yes. I try to stay current and up-to-date by reading a wide variety of magazines and newspapers on my own time. I probably spend about ten hours a week doing this. I read local newspapers, national magazines (Time, Newsweek, etc.), Entertainment magazines (Entertainment Weekly, etc), and I surf' the Internet for information.

The only magazines I read on my time off are: Acoustic Guitar, Linux Gazette, Linux Journal, Gourmet, Bon Appetit, Fingerstyle Guitar, Maximum PC, The Net, and some misc. computer related and car magazines. I rarely keep up on current events on my personal time.

Mostly I watch the news on television for regional happenings, or I will look at the national web sites for world and national news (CNN, NBC, etc.). The web sites, I look over at work, but I watch the news on my own time.

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